Friday, December 21, 2018

SLJ Week 1 Day 5 Activity 1

I think logging should be allowed IF it is only logging sustain ably and NOT chopping down native trees. Sustainable logging is good for the environment because humans need timber products to survive. Logging non native trees that grow back quickly (30 or so years) is good because if we chop down native trees that take 1000 years to grow back we won't have an trees.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jake!

    You have made some awesome points about logging here, great job.

    I like that you have mentioned making sure that we are thinking about sustainability when we are logging - it could be massively detrimental to the environment if we don't consider that!

    I also like that you have specifically mentioned looking after native trees too - I think it is great that you think it is important to take care of them.

    You have a very clear point of veiw to your argument Jake, it's also very clever that you have balanced out your point by considering the timber products we do need.

    Do you think there will be a time where we are able to stop logging altogether? maybe a new material we can use for things instead?

    Keep up the great work Jake - looking forward to your next post!
    Ellee :)


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